
发布者:缺了点勇气 2024-2-6 14:21


"I'm sorry for the mistake I made." - This is a straightforward way to apologize for a specific error.

"Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience I've caused." - This is a formal way to express regret, especially in written communication or professional settings.

"I owe you an apology for how I behaved yesterday." - This expresses a personal acknowledgment of wrong behavior towards someone.

"I'm really sorry; it was not my intention to hurt you." - This sentence is useful when you want to clarify that any harm caused was unintentional.

"My apologies for being so insensitive." - Use this when you recognize that your behavior or words were not considerate of another's feelings.

"I regret my actions and wish to make amends." - This shows a desire not only to apologize but also to correct the mistake.

"Please forgive me for the misunderstanding." - This is appropriate for situations where miscommunication led to an issue.

"I'm sorry; I didn’t mean to overstep my bounds." - Useful for situations where you have unintentionally invaded someone's personal space or overstepped social boundaries.

"I take full responsibility for the error and sincerely apologize." - This demonstrates taking accountability for one's actions and is particularly relevant in professional contexts.

"I'm sorry I let you down." - This is a heartfelt apology that is appropriate when you have failed to meet someone's expectations or broken a promise.

1."我为我犯下的错误感到抱歉。" - 这是为特定错误直接道歉的一种方式。

2."请接受我对任何给您造成的不便的歉意。" - 这是一种正式表达遗憾的方式,尤其适用于书面沟通或专业场合。

3."我欠你一个道歉,因为我昨天的行为。" - 这表达了对某人错误行为的个人认知。

4."我真的很抱歉;我并不是故意要伤害你的。" - 当你想澄清造成的伤害是无意的时,这个句子很有用。

5."对于我的鲁莽,我表示歉意。" - 当你认识到自己的行为或言语没有考虑到别人的感受时,可以使用这句话。

6."我对我的行为感到后悔,并希望能弥补。" - 这显示了不仅想要道歉,还想要纠正错误的愿望。

7."请原谅我造成的误会。" - 在因沟通不畅导致问题时,这个表达是恰当的。

8."我很抱歉;我并不是有意越界。" - 在无意侵犯某人的个人空间或超越社会界限的情况下,这句话很有用。

9."我对这个错误承担全部责任,并真诚地道歉。" - 这表明了对自己行为负责的态度,特别适用于职业场合。

10."我很抱歉让你失望了。" - 当你未能满足某人的期望或破坏了承诺时,这是一种发自内心的道歉方式。
