
发布者:双子絃綵蓝少 2022-7-27 01:14


take me home country roads

Take me home country road


Almost heaven West Virgini


Blue Ridge Mountain Shenandoah River

有蓝岭山脉 雪纳杜河

Life is old there Older than the trees

那儿生灵悠远 比树木更年长

Younger than the mountains Growing like a breeze

比群山更年轻 如清风般成长

Country roads take me home To the place I belong

乡村之路 带我回家 那儿是我的归宿

West Virginia Mountain Mama

西弗吉尼亚 大山妈妈

Take me home country roads

乡村之路 带我回家

All my memories Gather round her

我的一切记忆 都萦绕在她身旁

Miners' Lady Stranger to blue water

她是矿工们的圣母 从未见过蓝色海水

Dark and dusty Painted on the sky

阴霾与尘灰 印在天空上

Misty taste of moonshine Teardrop in my eye

月光朦胧的滋味 我眼眶中的眼泪

Country roads take me home

To the place I belong


I hear her voice in the morning hours She calls me

清晨我听见她的声音 在呼唤着我

The radio reminds me of my home far away


And driving down the road I get a feeling

开车驶过公路 心中有种感觉

That I should have been home Yesterday yesterday

昨天 昨天 我早该回到家中

To the place I belong West Virginia

那儿是我的归宿 西弗吉尼亚

Mountain Mama Take me home country roads



I’m coming home


tell the World I’m coming home

我的告诉整个世界 我就要回家了

Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday


I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes

我知道我的小天地在等着我 他们会原谅我所有的过错

I’m coming home, I’m coming home

我就要会叫了 我就要回家了

tell the World that I’m coming

告诉这个世界 我就要回家了

Back where I belong, yeah I never felt so strong

回到那个属于我的地方 是的 我从来没有过如此强烈的感觉

(I’m back baby)

我回来了 宝贝

I feel like there’s nothing that I can’t try and if you with me put your hands high

我觉得这世上已经没有什么值得我去尝试了 如果你高举双手和我在一起的话

(put your hands high)


If you ever lost a light before, this ones for you


and you, the dreams are for you


I hear “The Tears of a Clown”


I hate that song


I feel like they talking to me when it comes on


another day another Dawn

有过了一天 又会迎来另一个黎明

another Keisha, nice to meet ya, get the math I’m gone

又一个Keisha见到你很高兴啊, 算一算 我离开了

what am I ‘posed to do when the club lights come on

夜总会的灯光又开始闪烁 这个时候我应该做些什么呢?

its easy to be Puff, its harder to be Sean

what if the twins ask why I aint marry their mom (why, damn!)

要是那对双胞胎问我为什么不娶他们的妈妈 为什么, 他妈的

how do I respond?我该怎么回答?

what if my son stares with a face like my own and says he wants to be like me when he’s grown

要是我的儿子开始有了和我一样的想法 并且说当他长大后想变得像我一样该怎么办?

sh-t! But I aint finished growing

胡扯 但是我自己还没有长大

another night the inevitible prolongs


又一天过去了 又有一个黎明即将来临

just tell Taneka and Taresha I’ll be better in the morn’

告诉Taneka 和Taresha 我第二天早晨会好点的

another lie that I carry on


I need to get back to the place I belong


“A house is Not a Home“, I hate this song“A house is Not a home” 我讨厌这首歌

is a house really a home when your loved ones are gone

当你的挚爱离你而去的时候 房子就是你的家

and n-ggas got the nerve to blame you for it

想要责备你 应为你的所作所为让他们紧张

and you know you woulda took the bullet if you saw it

你知道 如果你看到子弹向你飞来 你是不会自己撞上去的

but you felt it and still feel it


and money can’t make up for it or conceal it

而且 钱不能弥补 也不能消除子弹所造成的过错

but you deal with it and you keep ballin’

但是你不在乎 你一如既往的玩球

pour out some liquor, play ball and we keep ballin’

倒上一杯饮料 我们一起玩球

baby we’ve been living in sin ’cause we’ve been really in love

宝贝 我们生活在罪恶之中 因为我们是如此的深爱着彼此

but we’ve been living as friends


so you’ve been a guest in your own home


it’s time to make your house your home


pick up your phone, come on

接电话吧 快啊

“Ain’t No Stopping Us Now“, I love that song

我喜欢“Ain't No Stopping Us Now”这首歌

whenever it comes on it makes me feel strong

不论我什么时候听到它 它都会让我坚强

I thought I told y’all that we won’t stop

我也为我已经告诉你 告诉你我们不会停歇

we back cruising through Harlem, Viso blocks让


it’s what made me, saved me, drove me crazy


drove me away than embraced me

让我远远地躲开 而不是让我尴尬

forgave me for all of my shortcomings


welcome to my homecoming


yeah it’s been a long time coming

是啊 很久没有回来了

lot of fights, lot of scars, lot of bottles


lot of cars, lot of ups, lot of downs


made it back, lost my dog (I miss you BIG)

回来吧,我丢失的那只狗(我想你 BIG)

and here I stand, a better man! (a better man)

现在 我站在这里 一个全新的我!(一个全新的我)

Thank you Lord (Thank you Lord)

谢谢你 上帝(谢谢你 上帝)


I have been waiting for you to take me home。我一直都在等你带我回家。

I have been waiting for you to send me home。我一直都在等你送我回家。

四、碧昂丝《if i were a boy》歌词(一句中文,一句英文)?

if i were a boy even just for a day哪怕仅仅只有一天,如果我是一个男孩,

i'd roll out of bed in the morning我会在清晨翻身下床,

and throw on what i wanted and go 出门,并且想穿什么就穿什么。

drink beer with the guys和那群哥们儿大灌啤酒,

and chase after girls然后跟在女孩们屁股后头。

i'd kick it with who i wanted追求我喜欢的那个妞儿,

and i'd never get confronted for it并且对谁都逢场作戏,

'cause they stick up for me否则她们会粘着我。

if i were a boy如果我是一个男孩,

i think i could understand我想我会明白,

how it feels to love a girl爱上一个女孩会是怎样的感觉,

i swear i'd be a better man我会发誓我要做一个好男人。

i'd listen to her 我会倾听她的诉说,

'cause i know how it hurts 因为我懂得那是怎样的伤害:

when you lose the one you wanted 当你失去你爱的人,

'cause he's taking you for granted因为他把你的爱视为理所当然,

and everything you had got destroyed于是你曾得到的一切终于被破坏。

i would turn off my phone 我会挂掉我的电话,

tell everyone it's broken告诉所有人它坏了,

so they'd think that i was sleeping alone然后让他们觉得我独自躺在床上做梦。

i'd put myself first我会把自己放在第一位,

and make the rules as i go 特立独行,按我的规矩走。

'cause i know that she'd be faithful 因为我知道她的忠诚,

waiting for me to come home, to come home 等着我回家,一直等着我。

i think i could understand 我想我会明白,

how it feels to love a girl 爱上一个女孩会是怎样的感觉,

i swear i'd be a better man 我会发誓我要做一个好男人。

i'd listen to her我会倾听她的诉说,

'cause i know how it hurts因为我懂得那是怎样的伤害:

it's a little too late for you to come back太晚了,虽然现在你又想回来,

say it's just a mistake 轻描淡写那只是出了一点点错,

think i'd forgive you like that 觉得我会像以往那样原谅你?

if you thought i would wait for you如果你以为我会等下去,

you thought wrong 你的想法大错特错。

but you're just a boy可你只是个男孩,

and you don't understand, oh 所以你根本就不明白,

someday you wish you were a better man 然后有一天你希望自己能成为一个好男人。

you don't listen to her 你从不倾听她的诉说,

you don't care how it hurts你并不在乎她有多受伤,

until you lose the one you wanted 直到你终于失去你的最爱,

'cause you're taking her for granted只因为你把她的爱视为理所当然,

and everything you had got destroyed 于是你曾得到的一切终于被破坏。

but you're just a boy 因为你只是个男孩。


《Take Me Home, Country Roads(中文译名)》是由约翰·丹佛(John Denver)创作并演唱的著名乡村歌曲。


Take me home, country roadJohn DenverAlmost heaven, west VirginiaBlue ridge mountains, Shenandoah RiverLife is old there, older than the treesYounger than the mountainsGrowing like a breezeCountry road, take me homeTo the place I belongWest Virginia, mountain mammaTake me home, country roadAll my memories gathered round herMiners lady, stranger to blue waterDark and dusty, painted on the skyMisty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eyeI hear her voice in the morning hours she calls meRadio reminds me of my home far awayAnd driving down the road I get a feelingthat I should've been home yesterday乡路带我回家约翰 丹佛在天堂般的西弗吉尼亚有蓝岭山脉夏南多阿河那儿生灵悠远比树木更年长比群山更年轻如清风般成长乡村之路, 带我回家那儿是我的归宿西弗吉尼亚大山妈妈乡村之路,带我回家我的一切记忆都萦绕在她身旁她是矿工们的圣母从未见过蓝色海水阴霾与尘灰印在天空上月光朦胧的滋味我眼眶中的眼泪乡村之路,带我回家那儿是我的归宿西弗吉尼亚大山妈妈乡村之路,带我回家清晨我听见她的声音在呼唤着我收音机使我想起远方的家开车驶过公路心中有种感觉昨天,昨天我早该回到家中乡村之路,带我回家那儿是我的归宿西弗吉尼亚大山妈妈乡村之路,带我回家


《All out of love》

原唱:Air Supply,专辑:100 Tubes 80S,发行时间:2009-09-07,发行公司:SONY MUSIC。

All out of love,原唱为Air Supply,翻唱的歌手有westlife专辑: <the love album>;谭咏麟 《小风波》;Declan Galbraith 《Thank You》;优客李林1993年《Ocean Deep》。


I'm lying alone(寂寞独卧)

With my head on the phone (想给你电话)

Thinking of you till it hurts(思念你心如刀割)

I know you hurt too(我知道你也暗自神伤)

But what else can we do(我们该何去何从)

Tormented and torn apart(无尽折磨心痛欲裂)

I wish I could carry your smile in my heart(我希望心怀你的微笑)

For times when my life seems so low(在我人生的低谷)

It would make me believe what tomorrow could bring(你让我对明天仍拥有希望)

When today doesn't really know(尽管今天难以预知)

Doesn't really know(难以预知)

I'm all out of love(我对你深爱如许)

I'm so lost without you(没有你我不知所措)

I know you were right(我知道你一直都是对的)

Believing for so long(对此我深信不疑)

What am I without you(没有你我一无所有)

I can't be too late to say that(我迫不及待要告诉)你

I was so wrong(我是真的错了)

I want you to come back(我希望你回心转意)

And carry me home(带我回家)

Away from these long lonely nights(告别漫漫孤独长夜)

I'm reaching for you(我在召唤你)

Are you feeling it too(你可曾感觉到我的爱)

Does the feeling seem oh so right(你可否重新接受我的爱)

And what would you say(你会说什么)

If I called on you now(如果我此刻给你电话)

And said that I can't hold on(告诉你我真的很难受很想你)

There's no easy way(没有你我无法释怀)

It gets harder each day(度日如年)

Please love me or I'll be gone(爱我吧,没有你的爱形同朽木心如死灰)

I'll be gone(形同朽木心如死灰)

I can't be too late to say that(我迫不及待要告诉你)

What are you thinking of(吾爱,你在想什么)
