
发布者:空白式谜底 2022-7-28 03:43


Heis brave..he protectother peolpe and lost his life.He contributed himself to the cause of liberation.





I admire Wen Tianxiang, who is still determined to die in the face of the temptation of senior officials of the Yuan Dynasty, Yang Jingyu, who is still fighting against Japan despite running out of food and ammunition, and Xia Minghan, who is still willing to die in the face of fierce reactionaries They are all great heroes of the Chinese nation, and they are all worthy of our admiration. But the hero in my heart, as well as academician Zhong Nanshan who is fighting in the front line of epidemic prevention.

Zhong Nanshan, an 84 year old man, is also an academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering, a famous respiratory expert, and a leading figure in the prevention and control of respiratory infectious diseases in China.

17 years ago, with the outbreak of SARS, people fell into panic in the face of unknown viruses. Academician Zhong Nanshan was calm and fearless. He saved lives with the kindness of doctors, treated critical patients regardless of his own life risks, and fought for lives with the God of death, the old man, and became a fighter. "If there were no academician Zhong Nanshan in the fight against SARS, the result might not be like this," someone commented In 2003, Zhong Nanshan was awarded the honorary title of "anti non hero" by Guangzhou city.

17 years later, academician Zhong Nanshan, 84, is still moving all Chinese people. When the novel coronavirus pneumonia appeared, he still fought against the virus in the first line of battle to find the best medicine to overcome the virus. Now, in the critical moment of pneumonia, academician Zhong Nanshan has become the backbone of the people. With him, there is a belief in victory. You are the sea god needle in our heart!

Let's pay tribute to the old man and all the medical workers who are fighting in the front line!



钟南山,一位84岁的耄耋老人, 也是中国工程院院士,呼吸病学专家, 而且是当之无愧中国呼吸系统传染病防治的领军人物。

17年前,非典型肺炎疫情爆发,面对未知的病毒,人们坠入恐慌,钟南山院士冷静、无畏,以医者的妙手仁心挽救生命,不顾自身生命危险救治危重病人,与死神争夺生命——老人,变成了战士。有人评价说:“抗击非典如果没有钟南山院士,结果可能就不会是这样。” 2003年,钟南山被广州市授予“抗非英雄”荣誉称号。





In January 2020, novel coronavirus was attacked in Wuhan, Hubei. Among the many angels in white who are fighting against the virus and saving lives, I have noticed a 84 year old man with gray hair. He is academician Zhong Nanshan whom I admire most.







The novel coronavirus is highly infectious. It is infected with the virus and is dangerous when it is heavy. You have been appointed commander in chief of the "war epidemic" by the state. When you went to Wuhan, when you were interviewed by reporters, you earnestly warned the people of the whole country: "nothing, don't go to Wuhan." Then he boarded the high-speed rail without hesitation. The photos of you taking a rest on the high-speed rail seat make people all over the country moved and tearful. After arriving in Wuhan, you have repeatedly appealed through the media to everyone to pay attention to safety and isolation, but you have put yourself into the battle without gunsmoke regardless of your personal safety.








Today, the number of confirmed infections and deaths is increasing day by day, which is a great test and threat to the angels in white participating in the battle. But you didn't flinch, but you took out your own skills and courage to take on the responsibility of protecting your country. With your actions, you show the heroic spirit of "die in national calamity, and see death as return". Your white robe is your battle garment, and your wisdom is your sword. You work day and night to lead the angels in white to overcome difficulties and devote yourself to human health. In a recent interview, you said with tears of heroes in your eyes, "Wuhan is a city of heroes, which can pass the customs." Once again, your feelings of serving the world in a tearful manner.


Academician Zhong Nanshan, I admire you!

You have succeeded in carrying out an assignment, go forward with great strength and vigour, and novel coronavirus, which has caused the destruction of human beings, and have already sown a sharp sword. It is a great blood for Wuhan, for the motherland and for humanity.


Have you ever seen the film "Hero"? I think you have. You may like the people in the film. But I don't think they are the real heroes.

In my heart, the Chinese astronaut, Yang Liwei is the real hero. He was the first to get to the moon in our country. And the trip to the moon was successfully made by him, though there were quite a few difficulties.

Also, he brought us the courage as well as the knowledge. As an astronaut, Yang woks very hard in order to finish the special trip perfectly. So we should learn from him to build our country into a stronger one. We Chinese people are proud of having such a wonderful space hero.


However, things turn bad when he quitted the list from the 110-meters hurdles owing to a foot injury in 2008BeijingOlympic Games. Some people started to blame him and questioned if Liu Xiang can really be a real star.

But in my heart, I still believe that my hero will never give up.

He not only won the gold metal but also broke the world record. It’s the pride ofChinaand it means that Asian people can also make some


Dr. Zhong Nanshan was born in October in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. He is one of the famous medical scientists in the st century.He studied at Guangdong experimental high school inand graduated from Beijing Medical College inIn the first Chinese National Games, Zhong Nanshan got the championship of the men's 400m Hurdles and set up a National record at that time.


When people say the word "hero", what will you think? Do you have a hero in your heart? Maybeyour hero is a famous singer, a movie star or a great-man. But my hero isaround me, who gives me more love than others. She is my mother, the hero in myheart. My mother isn't great in the way of a famous singer or a movie star. Shedoes nothing big, but what she does make others inferior. From her, I learn alot.









Have you ever seen the film"hero"?I think you have .You may like the people in the film.But I don't think they are the real heroes.

In my heart,the Chinese astronaut,Yang Liwei is the real hero.He was the first to get to the moon in our country.

And the trip to the moon was succesfully made by him,though there were quiet a difficulties,Also,they brought us the courage as well as the knowledge.

As an astronaut,Yang works very hard in order to finish the special trip perfectly.

So we should learn from him to build our country into a stronger one .We Chinese people are proud of having such a wonderful space hero .


I have a hero in my heart. He is my father. In the past few years he has worked as a volunteer in the west of China to help get rid of poverty. His efforts have been paid off. Local people now live a better life and their living environment has changed a lot.


英语是:I am the hero.句子解释:am英[əm]美[æm]abbr.(=amplitude modulation) <无>调频,调谐;vi.(用于第一人称单数现在时) 是;aux.(与v-ing连用构成现在进行时,与v-ed连用构成被动语态) ;[例句]Anyway I am not coming.横竖我不来了。

hero英[ˈhɪərəʊ]美[ˈhɪroʊ]n.英雄,勇士; 男主角; (古代神话中的) 神人,半神的勇士;[例句]The hero of Doctor Zhivago dies in 1929.《日瓦戈医生》的男主角于1929年去世。
