含有feature的句子,Really want to have a feature with you. 语法正确吗? ...

发布者:勾出的旋律 2022-7-30 13:13

一、Really want to have a feature with you. 语法正确吗?

改一个词,就无可挑剔了——Really want to have a future with you. 省略了主语,句子可以成立。

二、an other初中造句?

The GitHub blog entry announcing the demise of the Gem feature also points out an other option for hosting Gems: Gemcutter.

GitHub的博客宣布了该Gem功能的终结,同时也提供了另一个托管Gem的选择: Gemcutter。

But every once in a while, the use of a word like "still" or "only", stuck in an other boilerplate sentence, will signal actual news.


Pat came into the room just then and said, What are you talking about? We were saying that we'll have to move to an other house now, because the new baby's coming, his mother answered.


Cromwell supported the creation of an other house in Parliament, which would consist of 40 to 70 people to be chosen by him and then approved by the Commons - a house of Lords in all but name.


1、I was wearing an Other and I'm not sure what I was doing.


2、Finally, an other file provides default rules for any application without specific rules.

最后,o ther文件为没有特殊规则的所有应用程序提供默认规则。

3、You can even move a contact from one addressbook to an other by changing the items category.

