
发布者:人生信条 2022-8-2 06:43


1、He is very tall——almost 1.75 metres. He is the tallest boy in my class. However,he has poor eyesight because of working on the computer too much at night.他很高——几乎1.75米高。



2、She is shorter than I am and is very small.She has straight, shoulder-lenghth hair. Everyone thinks she is pretty.她比我矮并且很小巧。



3、He wears small,round glasses and they make him look smart.他戴着一副又小又圆的眼镜并且它们使他看起来很神气。

4、He is a fine young man, ahout 25 years old, tall and well-built,with a kind face and a nice smile.他是一个可爱的年轻人,大约25岁,身材高大健壮,憨厚的脸上带着善意的微笑。

5、He had a brown skin, black hair, bright eyes and strong white teeth.他生着褐色皮肤、黑头发、明亮的眼睛和坚固的白牙齿。


She has two big,bright and beautiful eyes with oval face,and she is medium heigh/is ofmedium height.


she has long brown curly hair wih be riotous with colour glasses.



Hello,i am a xx year old boy/girl.

i have a long/short black hair.

i have a pair of big/small eyes.

i have a big/ small nose.

i wear a black frame glasses.



I'm a girl ,I have a long hair and big eyes , what's more I have a big nose and big ear. My neck is long and my face is round . This is me !







She is medium hight,very slim,her shape is cute,and her skin is as white as snow.She has got long,curly,black hair,her lips red as wine.She has big,bright eyes,when she is smilling,her eyes are shinning.

Her voice is soft,but powerful,that's because she is knowledgeable.Her head is big,I bet there's lots of knowledge in it.

She likes wearing a blue sweater and long,brown skirt.Sometimes she also wears jeans,when she is wearing jeans,she looks pretty cool.

By the way,she never wears glasses,you can see her eye sight is very good.

Well,she is beautiful,isn't it?


A: That girl looks very attractive, doesn’t she?

B: do you think so? I don’t like girls who look like that. I like girls who aren’t too slim. If you like her, go and talk to her.

A: I’d like to, but there’s her boyfriend. He’s very broad-shouldered.

B: he’s huge! He must go to the gym to have a well-built body like that.

A: do you prefer tall girls or short ones?

B: I don’t mind, but I like girls with long hair.

A: we have different tastes. I like girls with short hair. I like tall girls- probably because I’m so tall myself.

B: have you ever dated a girl taller than you?

A: no, never. I don’t think I’ve ever met a girl taller than me! Have you gained weight recently?

B: yes, I have. Perhaps I should go to the gym, like that girl’s boyfriend.

A: I ‘m getting a bit plump myself. Perhaps I’ll go with you.


A: let’s play a little game. I’ll describe someone and you try and guess who it is.

B: ok. I’m really bored at the moment.

A: ok. This man is tall and slim. He’s got blue eyes and curly brown hair.

B: does he have a moustache or a beard?

A: good question. Yes, he has a moustache, but no beard.

B: sounds like mike, is it?

A: yes, it is. You describe someone we both know.

B: right. She’s not very tall and she’s quite plump. She’s got blonder hair, but I don’t know what color her eyes are.

A: is she attractive? I don’t think I know anyone like that.

B: I like slim girls, so I doubt I would find a plump girl attractive. You’ll have to give me some more information.

A: she’s got tiny feet and wears really unfashionable shoes. In fact, she wears unfashionable clothes too.

B: this doesn’t sound like anyone I know. I give up. Teel me who she is.

A; she’s your mother!

B: how embarrassing! I don’t even recognize a description of my own mother! How important do you think appearance is ?

A: I think that unfortunately it’s more important than a person’s character. Advertising and stuff tells us that we have to be attractive. I think it’s wrong, but that’s the way the world is now.

A: I’m afraid you’re right. I chose my girlfriend because she has a wonderful personality.

B: well, you certainly didn’t choose her because of her looks! Hey, I was joking! Don’t hit me!

Hi, Ellen. That outfit looks terrific!


Thanks, Jim. I didn’t think guys paid attention to stuff like that.


No, we just don’t usually admit it!


Well, thanks for the compliment anyway!

