
发布者:留述安顾 2022-8-27 14:29


1、What were you doing at nine last night? 昨晚九点时,你在做什么?

2、I called you yesterday afternoon but there was no answer. 昨天下午我打电话给你,但是没有人接电话。

3、I was visiting a friend of mine most of the afternoon. 我昨天下午大部分时间,都在一个朋友家里。

4、It was raining hard when I left my office. 当我离开办公室时,雨下得正大。

5、When you called,I was eating. 你打电话时,我正在吃饭。

6、When I was cleaning the windows, my brother was sweeping the floor. (当)我在擦窗户的时候,我弟弟在拖地。

7、some students were playing football,while others were running round the track. 一些学生在踢足球,同时别的学生正在跑道上跑步。

8、We were walking along the river when(suddenly) It rained. 我们沿着河边散步,突然下起雨来。

9、He told me that he was going soon. 他告诉我他很快就要走了。

10、He fell asleep when he was reading. 他看书时睡着了。



1,一般进行时:she is cooking meals.

2,现在进行时:she is cooking meals at the kitchen now.

3,将来进行时: She will be arriving at Sydney Airport at 10 o'clock next Tuesday.

4,过去进行时: last Tuesday this time, she was watching television with her mum .


They are playing basketball now.




I am doing my homework.

My mother is cooking.

My father is washing his car.

My sister is reading a book

My brother is watching TV.


1、What are you doing?I am watching TV.

2、Is he cleaning the room now?

3、They aren't looking at the blackboard.

4、The studnets aren't runninig now.They are playing football.

5、What is your mother doing?She is cooking.

6、What is your father doing?He is reading.

7、What are they doing?They're playing basketball.

8、She isn't listening to to radio.

9、I am doing my homework now.

10、Listen.The girls are singing


I had been doing that. She had been eating the apple. I had been playing basketball,but now,I hate it. He had been telling me about something interesting .But,we were stranger last year.


1、I playing computer.


2、I am reading an English book.


3、She is doing her homework.


4、He is playing football with his father.


5、Listen! She is singing an English song.


1、I playing computer.我在玩电脑.

2、I am reading an English book.我在读英语书.

3、She is doing her homework.她在做作业.

4、He is playing football with his father.他在和他爸爸踢足球.

5、Listen! She is singing an English song.听,她正在唱英语歌。

6、I'm shopping with my mom.我在和我妈妈一起逛街.

7、They are reading in the library.他们正在图书馆看书.

8、He and xiaoming are playing basketball.他和小明在打篮球.

9、He is helping the teacher with his homework.他在帮老师修改作业.

10、They are having dinner.她们正在吃饭.



I'm answering your questions.

I'm swimming.

He's playing computer games.

She's singing a song.

They're playing cards.

We are watching TV.

Are you listening to music?

He's doing homework.

She is dancing.

They're playing tennis.


I will go to school tomorrow.

He will visit his parents this evening.

She will go to college this summer.

We will have a happy day the day after tomorrow.

We will have a lunch together.

They will play table tennis this week.

He will play chess next week.

He will play soccer tomorrow.

He will play basketball next month.

I'm going to shopping.
