讽刺别人的英语短句,谁能帮我用英语中的讽刺修辞方法写几个句子,别举1个? ...

发布者:Miss可欣 2022-8-29 18:16


1、This hard-working boy seldom reads more than an hour per week.其中的hard-working,其实是讽刺他lazy2、Robbing a widow of her savings was certainly a noble act.其中的noble act,其实是讽刺这件事 disgrateful.


1、shame on you 你真无耻

2、you make me sick 你真让我恶心

3、who the hell do you think you are 你以为你是谁

4、you deserved it 你活该

5、just cut the crap 嘘,别放屁了

6、it's just a privilege to watch your mind at work 能看到你的大脑在工作,真是个荣幸

7、are you insane 疯了吗

8、nonsense 胡说八道

9、watch your language 注意你的言辞

10、who do you think you're talking to 你以为你跟谁说话呢

11、don't give me your attitude 别给我摆架子

12、leave me alone 离我远点

13、knock it off 住嘴吧

14、dont't waste my time anymore 别再浪费我的时间了

15、stop talking, you lower the IQ of the whole street 别再说了,你拉低了整条街的智商

1、You make me sick!你真让我恶心透了!

2、What's wrong with you?/What's your problem? 你怎么回事?

3、I'm very disappointed. 我太失望了。

4、Don't talk to me like that!别那样和我说话!

5、Are you insane/crazy/out of you mind?你疯了吗?

6、Don't bother me. 少烦我。

7、Knock it off. 别跟我来这套。

8、Get out of my face. 快从我眼前消失!

9、Who do you think you are?你以为你是哪根葱?

10、Leave me alone. 走开别烦我!

11、Take a hike!一边玩蛋去!

12、You piss me off. 气死爹了。

13、It's none of your business. 不关你的事!

14、Mind your own business!先管好你自己的事吧!

15、How dare you!你好大的胆子!

16、You stupid jerk!你这蛇精病!

17、You chicken! 你这胆小鬼!

18、Cut it out. 省省吧。

19、You have a lot of nerve. 你脸皮可真厚。

20、I've had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了


嘲讽对手 Mocking opponents mocking 英 [ˈmɒkɪŋ] 美 [ˈmɑ:kɪŋ] vt. 挖苦;为消遣而模仿 vi. 讥笑,嘲弄( mock的现在分词) n. 嘲弄;藐视或嘲笑的对象 adj. 嘲弄的 opponent 英 [əˈpəʊnənt] 美 [əˈpoʊnənt] n. 对手;敌手;反对者 adj. 对立的;敌对的

嘲讽对手Mocking opponentsmocking英 [ˈmɒkɪŋ]美 [ˈmɑ:kɪŋ] vt.挖苦;为消遣而模仿vi.讥笑,嘲弄( mock的现在分词)n.嘲弄;藐视或嘲笑的对象adj.嘲弄的opponent英 [əˈpəʊnənt]美 [əˈpoʊnənt] n.对手;敌手;反对者adj.对立的;敌对的


You look refreshing.

You're out of your mind. There's no plumbing.

You're out of your mind. There's no plumbing. 你的长相很提神。





