
发布者:山野北鹤 2022-9-8 08:41


1,①-Why do you go to the store? 你为什么去商店?

-Because I want do buy some salt? 因为我想买些盐。

②-Why is she so sad? 为什么她这么伤心?

-Because she lost her cat. 因为她的猫咪不见了。

③-Why do they keep running? 他们为什么一直奔跑?

-Because they want to win the race. 因为他们想赢得比赛。

④—Why are you so busy? 你为什么这么忙?

—Because we have a test this week. 因为我们这星期有个测验。

⑤—Why are you late for school? 你为什么上学迟到了?

—Because the bus is late. 因为公交车晚点了。


其结构为:Why + 助动词(do/does/did) + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他内容?

For example:

⑥—Why do you like English? 你为什么喜欢英语?

—Because it’s interesting. 因为它很有趣。

⑦—Why does he like pandas? 你为什么喜欢熊猫?

—Because they are cute. 因为它们很可爱。


此时,它的肯定回答常用“Great!” “Good idea!”“That sounds interesting!”等形式,否定回答常用“I’m afraid I can’t.” 等形式。常用于以下两种句型:

1、 Why + don’t you + 动词原形+ 其他内容?

For example:

⑧—Why don’t you go to the zoo? 为什么不去动物园呢?

—Good idea! 好主意!

2、 Why + not + 动词原形 + 其他内容?

⑨—Why not play basketball? 为什么不打篮球呢?

—I’m afraid I can’t. I must do my homework. 恐怕不行,我必须先做作业。


1、结构是:why +一般疑问句?回答时常用连词because引导的句子来陈述理由或原因。Why hasn't he brought the whisky? 他为什么没把威士忌拿来?

2、why还可用于提出建议,常用句型为:why don’t you+ 动词原形 +其他?或Why not + 动词原形 +其他?意为“你为什么不做…

呢?” 常用答语为:That’s a good idea. / Good idea. / That sounds good.等。

如:⑩— Why not go to the library with me? = Why don’t you go to the library with me?— Good idea.

Why开头的一般疑问句有:Why don't you go to school?

(你为什么不去上学呢?)Why do they go to school?

(他们为什么要去学校呢?)Why do you play computer games?(你们为什么要完电脑游戏呢?)句子语法分析:特殊疑问句的构成是:特殊疑问词+助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语+谓语动词。


A:Why can't you do it now?你为什么不现在就做呢?

B:Because I'm too busy. 因为我太忙了。

Why were you late for class today?今天上课你为什么迟到了?

—Because I got up too late and didn't catch the early bus.因为我起床晚了,没有坐上早班车。

why did you watch tv?

Because I have finished my homework。

三、why 疑问句造句?

英语单词why是问原因的疑问副词,其意是问为什么,例如,why do you study English? 你为什么学习英语 ,why were you late?

你为什么迟到,tell me why you didit ? 告诉我你为什么干那件,whynot go with us? 为什么不和我们一起去。英语问原因,为什么的句子很多,可找本语法书祥细看看




1、构成“Why + 一般疑问句”的特殊疑问句;


用why 提问通常有两种回答:


2、The reason回答


1、why可以在句首用作疑问副词,表示“为什么”,用来询问发生某一动作或存在某一情况的原因、理由,构成“Why + 一般疑问句”的特殊疑问句。


1、Why do you like dogs? 你为什么喜欢狗?

2、Why are you late for school? 你为什么上学迟到了?



1、 This is the reason why I came so fast. 这就是我来这么快的原因。

2、I know why he is running fast. 我知道他跑得快的原因。

3、The reason why he did so is unknown. 他为什么这么做的原因不清楚。



Middle English


Many critics have held that why is redundant in the expression the reason why, as in The reason why he accepted the nomination is not clear. It is true that why could be eliminated from such examples with no loss to the sense, but the construction has been used by reputable English writers since the Renaissance.See Usage Note at where

许多批评家认为在the reason why 这种表达中, why 是多余的, 如在句子The reason why he accepted the nomination is not clear.(他接受提名的原因不太明确。

) why 可以从这种例子中除去,对句子意义并不影响, 但是自从文艺复兴以来这种结构已为颇有名望的英语作家的广泛应用参见 where。
