
发布者:残月缺人赏 2023-5-18 19:27

There is only one kind of failure, that is, people who give up before reaching success.


Just answer the question, even if the answer is not standard.


Remember these gray days and try to make the future days colorful. ​


Gan Kun is undecided, you and I are both dark horses. If Gan Kun is undecided, then turn it around.

乾坤未定 你我皆是黑马 乾坤已定 那就扭转乾坤.

Failure is cute, and success is super handsome.

失败也挺可爱 成功了就超帅

Glory and dreams are the same. Confidence and patience are one in a million.

光荣与梦想千篇一律 自信与忍耐万里挑一。

The pile on the desk is not books, but the youth that can't be finished. At the most beautiful age, be the best of yourself!


We will eventually go ashore, and the sea of suffering that was once full of thorns will eventually be full of flowers. When we get ashore, don't think about what is in the sea. I wish us a bright future, peace and joy.

我们终将会上岸 那片曾长满荆棘的苦海也终将会开满了花 上了岸就不要再去想海里的东西了 祝愿 我们 前程似锦 平安喜乐
