
发布者:天生蠢材life 2023-3-21 19:13

1."May the Force be with you." - 星球大战 (Star Wars)

2."I'll be back." (我会回来的)- 终结者 (The Terminator)

3."There's no place like home."(没有比家更好的地方了。) - 绿野仙踪 (The Wizard of Oz)

4."You can't handle the truth!"(你无法处理真相) - 真相漩涡 (A Few Good Men)

5."Here's looking at you, kid." (看着你,孩子。)- 卡萨布兰卡 (Casablanca)

6."Why so serious?"(为什么这么严重?) - 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士 (The Dark Knight)

7."You talking to me?"(你在和我说话吗?) - 的士司机 (Taxi Driver)

8."I feel the need... the need for speed!" (我觉得有必要。。。对速度的需求!)- 壮志凌云 (Top Gun)

9."You shall not pass!"(你不能通过!) - 魔戒:护戒使者 (The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring)

10."Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get." (生活就像一盒巧克力;你永远不知道自己会得到什么。)- 阿甘正传 (Forrest Gump)
