
发布者:Seven漆玖 2022-4-11 15:09


导语:老外对中文的评价?汉语是上帝的语言11月14日最新消息,外国人看汉语简直就是天书,只有上帝能够理解。1. Chinese is the most widely spoken and fastest growing language in the world.1、中文是全世界使用最广泛且发展最快的语言。中国的汉字,中国的文化,外国人你永远搞不懂![法]约翰逊评价中文:汉字的古形是既意味着观念又象征的暗示具体事物的绘画,中国人自如地使用汉字,说明中国人的精神仍固守于具体的事物,同古代绘画文字时代几乎没有什么不同。可以说,在文字中包含着国民类型的中心性质。





表现是: 希腊语:“μουφαινεταικινεζικο”(听着就跟汉语似的)


波兰:“To jest dla mnie chinszczyzna!”(你讲的汉语吗?)

希伯来语:“Nishma c'moh sinit!”(它听起来像汉语!)

罗马尼亚语:“Parca e Chineza!”(看着像汉语!)

塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语:“To je za mene kineski.”(对我来说这是汉语)

保加利亚语:“Tova za mene sa ieroglifi.”(我看这些像象形文字)

法语:“C'est du chinois pour moi.”(对我来说这就是中文)

高远 我刚到法国的时候,去法语联盟学法语,有一位哥伦比亚的同学,对我说“中文就是日文吧?”我听了满肚子不高兴,中文怎么会是日文呢?日文里有中文,日文是从中文学的还差不多。我当时法语不灵光,解释太完善。后来我才知道,不少外国人都是这样的认为的,以为中文就是日文,或者中文取自日文。 当时老师极有经验,他让我和另外一个日本同学,各自说“你好”,并在黑板上写下来。这位老师深谙中国文化,讲中文的历史,声韵、发音和汉字由来。外国同学们听完说了,中文真难,看每一个就像看一副地图,四声太难了。 在法国时间长了,生活中就会发现,法国人遇到听不懂的话,往往会半开玩笑得说“你讲的是汉语吧?”


1. Chinese is the most widely spoken and fastest growing language in the world.1、中文是全世界使用最广泛且发展最快的语言。







2. To Be able to Travel in China Without Accidentally Ordering Dog Off the Menu.2、可以在中国旅游而且不会不小心点到狗肉


别逗你自己说“中国有很多地方的人都会说英语啊”。你要是体验过真实的中国,就知道基本没有好不好!就算在深圳这样的大城市,很多人也压根不会说“hello”和‘Look Missy’(深圳人还说这个?)之外的英语,我不是在吐槽任何人,我觉得既然我住这儿了就有责任学中文。


3. To Understand Chinese Culture and History3、了解中国文化和历史




4. Because Chinese is Quickly Becoming the Language of Business (and Tourism)4、因为中文正在快速成长为一种商务(及旅游)语言


现在越来越多企业不仅在中国生产商品,也想在中国市场分一杯羹。最近一批企业家想在这儿做单轮自行车,而且很自信地认为他们的东西会卖得很好。 米尔军事论坛 bbs.miercn.com



5. There Are Plenty of Resources And Mobile Apps to Help You Learn Chinese: So No More Excuses!5、有很多资源和移动APP可以让你学中文:所以别再找借口了!




6. It’s Good Exercise For Your Brain6、学中文对大脑是很好的锻炼





7. More Job Opportunities7、获得更多工作机会





8. It’s a cool, interesting language – nuff said!8、这是种很酷、很有趣的语言!——已经说够了






楼 主:Which language sounds best in your opinion (Chinese, Japanese, Korean)?Specify which Chinese dialect you like...I know there’’s quite a few out there...

and if you can, please explain why you like the language you chose.




Best Answer - Chosen by AskerI personally enjoy Cantonese and Chaozhou dialects of Chinese. Cantonese is enertaining to listen to because the tones make it appear as a sort of "boingy" nature to the way it is spoken. Chaozhou, in my opinion has an interesting variety of tones that make it appear like the speaker in singing. Mandarin can be rather harsh on the ears, depending on where you’’re coming from. I personally dislike the Beijing accent (wondering where the "r’’s" came from xD), I however enjoy the Jiao Liao accent from Shandong.

Japanese seems to me rather dependent on the speaker. I have heard bubbly and energetic speakers of the sort, along with monotonous and monologues of speakers represent their language in a variety of ways.

Korean is probably very interesting to hear for a non-Korean speaker. You will notice a lot of patterned particles to their phrasings "eem-nee-dah, ahm-nee-da, soh-yoh, etc. etc." Along with a jumbling of syllables that are otherwise unintelligible to the general listener.

Source(s):Learning Mandarin, Cantonese, Chaozhou, Korean, and Japanese. (all in the family, except the Japanese)

Asker’’s Rating:

Asker’’s Comment: Thank you...

I’’m choosing your answer because it seems you put a lot of thought and time into it :)









Other Answers


even though i’’m not a native mandarin speaker, but if you ask me, i would say mandarin chinese sounds the best to me. i speak both mandarin and cantonese. mandarin sounds better i guess, since it has less tones. i supposed the less tones it has the better it sounds. it’’s one of the reasons that makes people think chinese sounds harsh is because it has more tones than the other two languages. it also depends on who is speaking, it’’s a long story about chinese history and how it affects the overall education of the people, especially the ones in the US, where you would most likely encounter, but i won’’t go into details here.

most people think japanese sounds the best, well, it might be because of people’’s impression of how soft spoken japanese women are, and they really are, which makes the language sounds even softer.

different kinds of people have different rhythm when they speak. tones affect rhythm. since japanese and korean, like english, have less tones and are easier to pronounce, they may sound softer.

Source(s):solely my own opinion. no offense to any race.








Have you learned any of these languages? If not, why don’’t you start now, so you can know the difference between these languages, instead of wasting our time here and have people debating or arguing over this?

It depends on whether you speak those languages or not. You can’’t say whether a language is beautiful or ugly. It’’s just your own opinion, which might cause debates and controversies politically or otherwise. I speak Chinese. You cannot split up a language by prefering one dialect over another because they’’re all Chinese. Japanese: you can’’t split this up into dialects either & Korean [they might have dialects too] have their advantages and disadvantages but so does many other languages. There’’s no such thing as "best" or "worst" languages.





Korean flows the best, so I think it is the most beautiful among the three. Japanese sounds like baby speech ( you know how baby talks...ichi guchi etc). A lot of people say Chinese is harsh, perhaps they’’re thinking of Cantonese instead of the official dialect Mandarin? True, cantonese sounds like a fight is going on, but Mandarin is alright. Also, when you say Chinese, you should be more specific, as there are many dialects in the Chinese language, and many of them do not sound anything similar at all.

韩流赛高!!!我 啊,认为朝鲜语是三种语言中最好听的呢!日语听起来就像婴儿在说话。很多人认为汉语很难听懂,可能他们听听到的是广东话而不是更正式的普通话。当然了,广 东话听起来像吵架有没有?普通话就完全没问题,另外,当你说汉语的时候,应该更具体一点,因为汉语有很多的方言,而且有些方言听起来和别的完全不同。


For me, they all sound nice. But I guess that people who like a fast moving language with easy pronunciation will like Japanese more (which gives it the same chic factor as Spanish or Italian), where as some people will prefer the changing tones and varying sounds of Chinese which are urgent, commanding and yet peaceful and mysterious at the same time. People who want a balance of both should go for Korean, in my opinion. Also, Chinese has a much more rewarding writing system, if you can learn it :).





To be honest, I believe that Japanese is the... best, in my opinion. It’’s just that their characters look extremely nice and I seem to like their tone. I’’m not saying it’’s the best, I’’m saying it’’s the nicest to me.

The most useful and the best is definitely Chinese. It is the number 1 world spoken language and once you learn it and you learn other languages, then you are definitely going to get a good job. I’’m 15 years old, I know the 2nd most spoken language in the world, spanish, and english which is the 3rd. I’’m currently learning chinese forced by my father because once you learn all three of the most spoken language in the world then wow.. you will definitely get a good job. I’’m not bragging or anything, just making a point.

Korean is very different to Japanese and Chinese.. By the characters especially. It is actually a very useless language, that is why all the Koreans are learning English because they realize that if you learn Korean you can only use the language in Korea. But once you learn Korean and English, I believe that it will also do good because since there are so many Koreans who are in need of being taught in English, it gives a huge effect for those who are teaching. It will do you very good..





朝鲜语同日语还有汉语来说有很大不同,但是实际上吧,这是一门没多大用处的语言,所以说现在有很多韩国人学习英语,因为他们也知道如果你会朝鲜语,只能让 你在朝鲜半岛使用。但是如果你会韩语和英语,那就厉害了,因为还有很多其他的韩国人需要学习英语,这一定能给韩国的教育带来很大的影响。那样你岂不是爽爆 了...


Japanese as it’’s not difficult to pronounce and, at the time, was studying Italian (pronunciation is very, very, similar). Have Chinese friends - two speak Cantonese and one speaks Mandarin - I find the Mandarin interesting to listen to but imagine it’’s, very, difficult to learn. I am musical but this doesn’’t hit the "notes" I’’m accustomed to. Although I’’m a westerner, I enjoy old forms of Japanese music featuring jushichi-gen (a 17-stringed instrument) - is, very, soothing.





Definitely definitely definitely Japanese.

Chinese sounds kind of harsh. (but I’’m taking it next year in high school anyway :P )

Korean is just kind of... meh.

Japanese is beautiful though.

I know this sounds nerdy, but I listen to lots and lots of Japanese rock and anime (with English subtitles) and the language is (relatively) simple, but elegant. It just sounds lovely to the ears.

绝对绝对是日语,中文听起来不好听,至于韩语.....呵呵~~~ 日语还是很好听的,也许有些呆板,但是在日本的摇滚乐还有动漫里



I’’ve never really heard any Korean being spoken, so I’’m torn between Japanese and Mandarin Chinese.

I love how they both sound, how their grammar works and their writing systems (even though their writing systems are quite similar)

What I love about Mandarin Chinese is their use of PinYin tones and how a change in tone can change the entire meaning of a word. Plus, I really like the different vowel sounds that, in my opinion, are a lot different to English.

With Japanese, I just love the all-over sound of the language, and the way that it can encorporate (

Source(s):I like languages.

I watch a lot of Anime (japanese)

And I like kung fu movies (chinese)






Mandarin (Chinese) is the hardest to learn from those 3... but it is very useful especially if you’’ll be traveling to some parts of Asia. Japanese is good for business and if you’’re working for a Japanese company (or wants to be in one) you’’ll impress your colleagues and your boss. Learning Korean for me is simpler, Hangul is easy to write and once you know it you’’ll find it easy to speak and understand the language ;)





-Chinese mandrine as spoken in Beijing sounds like people speak with a ball in the mouth.Can sound very irritaing.

-Shanghainese chinese sounds weird but better than Beijing Chinese.

-HongKong Cantonese sounds the best, as what I think

-Malaysian Chinese sounds a little weird too, but still I feel it has this unique flavour.

-Singaporean chinese is totally horrible. The choice of words and grammer is at times mixed with English and Malay words.

Best : HongKong Cantonese

Worst: Beijing Chinese


-Seoul korean is spoken at a fast pace with refinement.

-Busan korean is spoken slowly with a more relaxed paceor Can’’t decide which is best or worst


I have no idea, but I once had a friend from hokkaido. I thought his accent was quite pleasing to the ear.



于是我得出结论,最好的:粤语 最差的:北京话




I’’m a both Mandarin and Cantonese speaker, so I’’d like you to choose Chinese the language which sounds best. Mandarin has 4 or 5 tones, and Cantonese has 9 tones at least. People whose first language is Cantonese speak Mandarin very tough. But they speak Cantonese just like singing. I think people in Liuzhou (near Guilin, in the south of China) speak Mandarin quite perfect! Though it’’s not very standard. I don’’t know if Japanese and Korean have tones or not, but I hear Japanese very...I don’’t think it’’s fair-sounding like songs. So, choose standard Mandarin, or if you can, go to Liuzhou(柳州), to enjoy their non-standard but very fair-sounding Mandarin.


普通话非常困难。很多人说粤语是因为喜欢粤语歌。我觉得柳州人说普通话很完美,尽管并不标准。至于日语和朝鲜语,我也不知道有没有声调,但是我听日语觉得 非常....我不认为日语唱歌很好听。所以,我选择普通话。如果可以的话,你亲自去趟柳州吧,去享受柳州人民那并不标准但是非常好听的柳州普通话吧!!


Japanese, its so beautiful. i had a foreign exchange student from Japan, and she taught me some simple Japanese. So me personally, love Japanese the best. Then i have a friend who speaks mandrin chinese, and i think it sounds sorta neat. Korean i never really got interested in too much. I love all foreign languages, i find them all quite fascinating. So i don’’t really dislike any of them



1. Korean.

2. Japanese

3. Chinese - cantonese.

Korean sounds really cute to me. Plus, my boyfriend is korean so that helps with liking it haha.

Japanese is okay, but it’’s getting so old to me.

Cantonese used to be my favorite language, but it’’s not as nice sounding as other lanfuages.







Japanese has a beautiful flow, because of the many syllable words, and it can sound very gentle, with lovely vowels (o and a) and the "r" sound. Chinese sounds all chopped up, and it has too many "sh" and "ZH" sounds. Korean I find harsh.

I hear all 3 languages on a daily basis where I live and I can tell the difference even though I don’’t speak any of them.




Chinese of any kind (Mandarin, Cantonese, Fookien) is pleasant and smooth and melodic.

Japanese or Nihongo is crisp-sounding and sharp.

Korean is somewhere in the middle: sometimes it sounds as smooth as silk and sometimes it’’s as crisp as paper.

I think all three languages sound equally good.

I don’’t speak any but I’’d like to learn. The fanboy in me says to learn Japanese, since I used to watch a lot of anime in Nihongo with English subs. The practical side of me wants me to learn Chinese, especially Mandarin, since China is a rising superpower and I’’ve heard it’’s advisable to start learning. My inner adventurer tells me I should learn Korean, simply because the language intrigues me, not to mention I’’m from the Philippines and a lot of Koreans live in and/or visit my country. :)




我不会说但是我很想学,我的粉丝让我学日语,因为我经常看很多英文字母的日本动漫。说实际的一面,我想学中文,尤其是普通话,因为中国是一个正在崛起的大 国,这是最好的学习汉语的时机。而我的内心告诉我,我应该学习韩语,这是由于这门语言激起了我的兴趣,更不用说因为我来自菲律宾,很多韩国人来我国旅游或 者定居。


Korean is my native language and I had learnt some chinese (Mandarin) and Japanese in the past. To speak frankly, I found Japanese sounds the best. Although Chinese claim that their language sounds the best, Mandarin (even though it sounds much better than other dialects, like Cantonese) sounds kinda annoying.

So I will say: Japanese > Korean> Chinese




I’’m thinking between Chinese and Japanese.. but I’’d say Chinese.. probably Cantonese.

I just love the way it sounds when I listen to Chinese songs especially the traditional ones. Generally it’’s so beautiful.

Japanese sounds very nice too but not all the time for me.

Korean, I’’m not that familiar with it.






To me Korean sounds rough and Japanese sounds too polite. Chinese depends on the dialect. Mandarin sounds fine, but Cantonese sounds very rude. But I don’’t really have preferences since I understand almost all.

But if to choose one, I prefers Chinese. The northern sounds very "rolling" and the southern sounds natural. To me, chinese sounds soft and elegant.




I would say all the languages on Earth are special in their own way. They are interesting to be all known if it would be possible.

But for JAPANESE I’’ve always had a inner attraction.

I wished for me to be borne in that country, with their blood since I was so little ..... which I cannot explain WHY. Probably their eyes fascinated me in the first place !? Next their language, their clothes & houses & gardens ... everything!

Do you love Italian chorus of children?

They are adorable! I thought they are the cutest.

But have you ever had the ocasion to listen for at least one chorus of Japanese children?

Thinking of the Hiroshima & Nagasaki and puting these together .................... ..................... ....................... they are more than Angels.

Japanese has a vowel after almost any consonant, and the "R" letter is pronounced very funny, like a "L".

And is a complex language as they have the Chinese Katakana as well in their usual writing.

Looke at them as a nation, from all the times!

I wonder if they’’re still as strong characters as they were.








