九年级英语中考重点短语,中考常见的九年级英语短语,掌握了轻松考! ...

发布者:纤玉宛汐 2022-7-31 04:51


1.attend the graduation ceremony 出席毕业庆典

2.first of all首先

3.full of energy充满活力

4.thirsty of knowledge 渴求知识

5.hope for the future 对未来的希望

6.never fail to be thankful to sb.一定要向某人表达感激

7.the beginning of a new life一个新生活的开始

8.ahead of sb.在某人前面

9.be responsible for your decisions and actions对自己的决定和行为负责

10.go your separate ways走自己的路

11.set out on your new journey开始你的新旅程

12.separate from sb.与……分别

13.give wings to fly给某人飞翔的翅膀

14.the last day of junior high school初中最后一天

15.scared and nervous恐惧和紧张

16.share so many good memories分享如此多美好的记忆

17.wonderful memories美好的回忆

18.encourage sb.to do 鼓励某人做某事

