spoken english造句简单,Spoken English:短语趣谈 “ Bless your/her/his heart “ ...

发布者:馨亚丑丑 2022-8-28 13:48

今天介绍一句母语人士(native spekers)经常会用的短语——Bless Your heart

如果你查字典,你会发现这个短语用来表达对某人的喜爱或同情。在某些情况下,这句话表示好意。然而,它也常被母语人士用作讽刺。但是这就是它变得棘手的地方,“bless your heart ”用作讽刺时是一个非常通用的短语。 它可以具有几种不同的含义。

The first if you said or done some stupid things,It means "what an idiot!"


The second,a lady confidently told her friend,"Once we get married, he won't be watching as much football." She most likely got the insulting version of bless her heart ="Poor naive child."

第二,一位女士自信地告诉她的朋友,“一旦我们结婚了,他就不会看那么多足球了。”她很可能得到了讽刺版的“bless her heart” =“可怜的天真的孩子”。

The third,a playboy try to engage with many different girls happen to on the street who's walking past his car. We would say that,"bless his heart !" means "We hate that guy."

第三,一个花花公子试图与街上碰巧路过他的车的许多不同的女孩们交往。 这里“bless his heart”的意思是“我们讨厌那个家伙”。

The opposite ,it likely got the nice version of bless your/her/his heart :


The first,something you say to a person who has just sneezed. "bless your heart" is meaning “god bless you!" or "lucky"

第一,你对刚刚打喷嚏的人说的话。"bless your heart" 意思是“大吉大利!”。

The second, something you say to tell someone you are grateful to them when they have been kind to you.


for example:


--"Here, let me help you with your shopping." “来,我来帮你拿买的东西吧。”

--"Oh, bless you, dear." “哦,上帝保佑你,亲爱的。”

Oh, Generally that's what it means. Americans know that the meaning to the phrase depends on the tone in which it's spoken or body language.

哦,一般就是这个意思。 美国人知道这个短语的含义取决于它说话的语气或肢体语言。

最近暑期热播的电影《Peter rabbit 2:runaway》中有一段鼠爸爸同彼得兔打招呼,聊天当中告诉对方它有了50个孩子,这些孩子们非常喜爱关于彼得兔的漫画书。



随着男主人的大吼,看着闯祸的彼得兔,鼠爸爸赶紧找借口开溜,故意撞了一下它的宝贝棋子,“Oh, my dear chess.well,”扭头就跑还不忘优雅地对彼得兔说: “Good luck”。


