五年级下册英语第三单元节日单词,PEP小学英语五年级下册第三单元节日、短语归纳 ...

发布者:Miss可欣 2022-9-11 00:43



New year’s Day元旦 Spring Festival春节

Tree Planting Day植树节 Women’s Day 妇女节

April Fool’s Day 愚人节 May Day劳动节

Mother’s Day 母亲节 Dragon Boat Festival端午节

Children’s Day儿童节 Father’s Day父亲节

Teachers’ Day教师节 Mid-Autumn Day中秋节

China’s National Day 国庆节 American Thanksgiving Day美国感恩节



make zongzi包粽子 share... with us和我们分享...

Hooray for May!五月万岁! sports meet运动会

English party英语派对 school trip学校旅游

Chinese test语文测试 maths test数学测试

English test英语测试 singing contest歌唱比赛

winter vacation寒假 a few一些

fun things有趣的事情 February and March二月和三月

January or February 一月或二月 the Great Wall长城

make a card 做一张卡片 sing to her给她唱歌

say “Thank you”说谢谢 write her a letter给她写封信

tell her a story给她讲故事 play the pipa for her为她弹琵琶

eat mooncakes吃月饼 read riddles猜谜语

act out stories表演故事 meet Robin认识罗宾

play games玩游戏 make a wish许愿

sing the birthday song唱生日歌 eat noodles吃面条

eat a birthday cake吃生日蛋糕

summer vacation plan 暑假计划 still three months away还有三个月

early planning 早日计划 Grape Valley葡萄沟

the grapes there那里的葡萄 Huangshan Mountain黄山

very famous非常著名 a great plan一个很棒的计划

next Monday下周一 study hard努力学习

My goodness!我的天啊! I forgot!我忘了!
