英语语法副词的讲解PPT,英语语法:解析副词短语句子中用法系列(一) ...

发布者:橘橘弋 2022-9-20 23:16

副词短语 on occasion/ on one's own/ on purpose/ on the contrary/ on the whole/ a bit /above all/ all in all/ all long/all the way/ and so on/ all over the world/ all round/ as a whole/ as follows


1. on occasion不时,有时,间或用法:on occasion用作时间状语,同义短语有now and then。

例句:There is something wrong withmy cell phone; I have to restart it on occasion.我的手机有点问题,我时不时需要重启。

语法结构分析:这是一个There be句型,There be ...句型表示的是"某处有(存在)某人或某物",其结构为There be(is,are,was, were )+名词+地点状语。


There is something wrong with my cell phone; I是主语, have to restart是谓语, it是宾语,指前面的my cell phone, on occasion是状语。

2. on one's own独自一人,独自地用法:on one's own中的one's可以替换为his, her, their等形容词性物主代词。同义短语有by oneself。 例句:She finished the task on her own.她独自完成了任务。

3. on purpose故意 用法:on purpose表示"故意,并非偶然地",在句中作方式状语。

同义词组有by intention。

例句:It's clear that he stepped on your foot on purpose.很显然他是故意踩你脚的。


4. on schedule按预定时间用法:on schedule作可数名词,意为"时间表,进度表,日程安排表"。

on schedule在句中作时间状语,相当于on time。

例句:I hope you will finish all the work on schedule.我希望你能按时完成所有工作。

5.on the contrary相反

用法: contrary是不可数名词,意为"相反,对立面,反面"。on the contrary常用于句首,相当于to the contrary。

例句:On the contrary, constraints on improving productivity explain why education isn't developing more quickly there than it is. (2009年考研)



On the contrary是状语, constraints on improving productivity是主语(on improving productivity是介词词组,作后置定语), explain是谓语动词, why引导的句子充当宾语,是宾语从句, education是主语, isn't developing是谓语, more quickly是副词比较级作状语, there是状语, than it is是than引导的比较状语从句。


6. on the whole总的来说

用法: on the whole一般用于句首,表示总结,也可以用于句中,相当于in general, in short。

例句:People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when making individual decisions. (2013年考研)


7. on the spot当场,立即,在现场,到现场

用法: on the spot常在句中作状语,修饰动词。

例句:They gather news stories on the spot. (2015年12月六级)


8. on time准时

用法: on time是常见的一个短语,在句中作时间状语,表示按时完成某事。注意与短语in time的区别,后者表示"及时"。

例句:Will you be able to complete the project on time? (2015年12月六级)


9. a bit有点儿

用法:a bit通常修饰形容词或者动词。需要注意与a bit of的区别,a bit of是形容词词组,表示"少量的,少许的",常修饰不可数名词。

例句:Could you tell me a bit about the business your company is doing? (2013年12月四级)


结构分析: you是主语,could tell是谓语, me是间接宾语, a bit about the business是直接宾语, your company is doing是后置定语从句,其中your company是主语,is doing是谓语(现在进行时,表示公司现在正在做的业务),the business是宾语。

10. a moment ago刚才

用法:a moment ago通常与一般过去时态连用,表示某个动作刚刚发生,类似的词组还有just now等。

例句:The man who fainted in the street was sent to the hospital a moment ago.


11. above all首先,首要的是

用法:above all起强调作用,一般放在句首或都句中。

例句:Above all, you should attach more significance to the well being of the children.


12. all day and all night整日整夜的

用法:all day and all night 多用于动词或者动词短语后,在句中作时间状语,类似的词组还有day and night(夜以继日)。

例句:The hostess made her servant work all day and all night.


13. all in all总而言之,总的来说

用法:all in all多用于句首,用来表示概括。在句中作独立的插入语,去掉后,不会影响句子的完整性。

例句:All in all, if you want to bring up a Mozart or Bach, the key factor is how hard you are prepared to crack the whip. (2013年6月六级)


结构分析:All in all是状语, if引导的状语从句, you是主语, want是谓语, to bring up a Mozart or Bach是不定式词组,作宾语, the key factor是主语, is是系动词, how hard you are prepared to crack the whip是表语(从句)。

14. all long一直,一贯

用法:all long是常用的副词词组,常用来修饰动词,表示程度,在句中作状语。

例句:The nurse said that she would look after the old man all long.


15. all of a sudden突然

用法:all of a sudden相当于suddenly, 通常用来修饰动词,表示动作突然发生,在句中作时间状语。

例句:The weather turned cold all of sudden. (2013年6月四级)



16. all one's life一生

用法:all one's life相当于throughout one's life, one's用his或者her来替代,是常用的是副词词组,在句中作时间状语。

例句:He declared that he would remain single all his life. (2015年6月六级)



17. all the way一路上,一直

用法:all the way表示"一路上,远道而来",在句中作状语。


结构分析:Well是状语, it是形式主语,is是系动词,easier是表语, to pick up apples是不定式词组,是真正主语, than to drag tree branches all the way to the curb是than引导的比较状语。

18. and so on等等

用法:and so on表示"等等,诸如此类",通常用在句末,类似的词组还有and so forth。

例句:Therefore, forums, blogs, chat rooms and so on are more widely used. (2014年12月四级)


19. arm in arm手挽手

用法:arm in 表示"手挽手,携手",在句中作状语,同义词级有hand in hand。

例句:The newly married couple went out of the house arm in arm.


20. as above如上,同上

用法:as above形式上类似于介词短语,但实际上是副词短语,它通常在句中用作状语或者插入语,类似的短语有as was stated above, see above。

例句:Please operate the new machine as above.



21. all over the world全世界

用法:all over the world是常用的副词词组,在句中用作状语成分,相当于across the world。

例句:Even you have a lot of money, you can't buy anything all over the world. (2013年6月四级)


结构分析:Even引导状语从句, you是从句的主语, have是谓语动词, a lot of money是宾语,其中a lot of是前置定语,修饰不可数名词money, you是主语, can't buy是谓语, anything是宾语, all over the world是副词,作后置定语。

22. all round周围,到处

用法:all round表示"周围,到处"时,相当于all around,在句中作地点状语,也可以表示"全部,全都"。

例句:Roses are planted all round in the garden, attracting so many tourists.


11. all the day一整天

用法:all the day通常置于句末,用作时间状语,类似的短语还有all through the day。

例句:The woman was crying all the day after she got the bad news.


23. all the same仍然,尽管如此

用法:all the same可置于句首或者句末,作时间状语,类似的短语还有as ever。

例句:All the same, he chose to resign from the company.


24. as a matter of fact事实上,实际上

用法:as a matter of fact通常用在句首,表示后面陈述的内容是事实。As a matter of fact可以用in fact来代替。

例句:As a matter of fact, knowledgeable dissenters (持异议者) are important for any belief. (2014年12月六级)



As a matter of fact是副词作状语, knowledgeable dissenters (持异议者)是主语(knowledgeable是形容词,作前置定语,修饰dissenters), are是系动词(现在式), important for any belief是表语。

25. as a rule通常,在多数情况下

用法:as a rule通常在句首或者句末,也可以用于句中,同义词有as a general rule。

例句:I don't care much for horror movies as a rule. (2014年12月四级)


26. as a whole一般地说

用法:as a whole是固定用法,一般在句中作插入语,同义词组有in general。

例句:As a whole, it is difficult for people with credit blemishes to make a loan.


27. as follows如下

用法:as follows用于列举事项,通常与系动词连用,类似的词组还有as below。

例句:The information about the successful entrepreneur is as follows.

