
发布者:残月缺人赏 2023-7-14 23:42



By Johnathan Walton 作者:乔纳森﹒沃尔顿



Part I

I fell hard for one of the oldest cons in the book. But this scheme wasn't cooked up by some fictional Nigerian prince soliciting me through a sketchy e-mail. I fell under the spell of an immensely lovable woman who inserted herself into my life and became my best friend. She was also an international con artist on the run.


She snared me in an age-old con called the Inheritance Scam, ultimately bilking me out of nearly $100,000. She simultaneously destroyed my sense of self and darkened my once joyful outlook. As she was ruining my life, she was also scamming dozens of others around the world by impersonating psychics, mortgage brokers, psychologists, lawyers, and travel agents and even pretending to be a cancer victim.


She was a true queen of the con, using disguises and plastic surgery to alter her appearance. I was a reality TV producer, working on shows such as American Ninja Warrior and Shark Tank, and I never saw through her masterful performances. She might have gotten away with cheating many more people if she hadn't turned me into a vigilante. I started my own investigation, uncovered other victims, and helped bring her to justice.


Today, she's in jail, probably wondering how on earth she became the victim of one of her own victims.



Allow me to explain.


She introduced herself to me as Mair Smyth in May 2013, when she joined a group of angry neighbors in my living room to discuss what to do about losing access to our building's swimming pool because of a legal spat with a neighboring building.


"I can help," she told us. "My boyfriend is a lawyer who can get the pool back!"


I liked her immediately. We all did. She was brash. Funny. Intelligent and outspoken. Ironically, for someone who turned out to be a liar and a con artist, she came across as a woman who would always "tell it like it is."


She also came across as extremely wealthy. She wore expensive Jimmy Choo shoes and once showed me her closet filled with more than 250 pairs. I later discovered they were all fake.


After our initial meeting in my apartment that night, Mair invited my husband, Pablito, and me to dinner. Over the next year, she frequently wined and dined us at fancy restaurants and always insisted on picking up the bill. "I have a lot of money—let me pay!" she'd plead convincingly.



We'd hang out almost every evening in our barbecue area, exchanging intimacies under the cool Los Angeles sky. Mair told us she was originally from Ireland. One night she pointed to a framed document hanging in her living room. "This is the Irish Constitution," she said. "See that signature at the bottom? That's my great uncle's." I had no idea that, like her shoes, that tale was fake.


Mair brought me Irish tea and pastries and regaled me with stories of how when she was a young girl, her grandmother, who was supposedly in the Irish Republican Army, would take her to the top of a bridge and teach her how to hurl Molotov cocktails down on British soldiers. I was captivated and horrified.


When I tearfully confided in her that part of my family had disowned me for being gay, she pounced. "My family disowned me, too!" she said as she fought back tears. "They're trying to get me disinherited."


Mair told me that an uncle, the patriarch of her family, had recently died, and her cousins were dividing up an estate worth 25 million euros (about $32 million). She said she was supposed to receive 5 million euros as her share of the inheritance and showed me angry text messages and e-mails from her cousins threatening that she wouldn't get a dime.


Mair told me she had taken a lot of family money with her when she left Ireland many years ago, so she never needed to work. But she claimed she enjoyed working, so she got hired at a travel agency where her family did a lot of business.


Fourteen months into our friendship, Mair and I were like sister and brother, even ending our phone calls with "I love you." She told me that her barristers (I had to look up the word to learn that it means "lawyers") were having trouble trying to secure her inheritance and that they had warned her about a clause in her uncle's will stating that if any family member were convicted of a felony, the person would forfeit his or her share.


"You'd better be careful!" I cautioned her. "One of your disgruntled cousins might try and set you up!" Many of her family members certainly appeared to hate her. Why wouldn't they set her up? I thought.


On July 8, 2014, my phone rang.


"You have a collect call from an inmate at the Century Regional Detention Facility. Press one to accept," the computerized voice instructed me.


It was Mair. I quickly pressed one.


"You were right!" she sobbed. "I was arrested today. My family set me up to make it look like I stole $200,000 from my job."


"I told you this would happen!" I yelled. I was distraught. I found a bail bondsman and paid him $4,200 to get her out of jail. That's when I first learned that her legal name was Marianne Smyth, not Mair Smyth. But she paid me back the next day, when she was released from jail. Or, rather, the married man she was dating at the time paid me back. Little did I (or he) know she was scamming him too.


As the months passed, Mair showed me e-mails from her lawyers assuring her that the case against her was falling apart. I had no idea those e-mails were from fake accounts she had created herself, just like the messages she claimed were from her cousins.


Then, almost three years into our friendship, she told me that the district attorney prosecuting her case had frozen her bank accounts. So I started lending her money. She had immediately paid back the $4,200 I used to bail her out of jail, so I felt confident she'd pay me back any other money I loaned her.


But that's the thing: The term con artist is short for confidence artist because these individuals are skilled at gaining your confidence and then using it to scam you out of your money.


Over the course of several months, I lent Mair nearly $15,000. You'd think I'd be worried about giving her that much money, but I wasn't. Not only was she my best friend, but she also claimed she was about to inherit millions of dollars. I never even considered that anything sinister could be taking place.


One day, Mair called me and said the DA was demanding $50,000 to dismiss the case against her. I didn't have $50,000 in cash. But I did have an 840 credit score. So I let her charge the $50,000 on my credit cards to get the criminal case against her dropped.


A few months later, Mair was arrested again. She said the judge had charged her with money laundering, something to do with her using my credit cards, and punished her with 30 days in jail—a "slap on the wrist." She assured me, once again, that as soon as she got out and received her inheritance, she would pay me back.


Mair called me collect from jail every day. When I said I wanted to come visit her, she begged me not to. "I don't want you to see me like this," she said. But I insisted. So I logged on to the jail's website to schedule a visit. That's when the true devastation she had wrought on my life started to reveal itself.

(To be continued)




:本文标题"I was scammed by my best friend"中的"scam",应当如何理解?

:Scam,在《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》中的解释:"If someone scams a person or organization, they deceive them in order to get something valuable from them, especially money."即"欺诈、骗"。例句: When I told them they were being scammed, they couldn't believe it. 在原文中,梅尔骗乔纳森的套路可谓工于心计、苦心经营。长达3年时间里,梅尔先以热心肠示人,后经常请客吃饭送东西,在逐渐和受害人建立起朋友关系后,仍不急于下手,而是把她的爱尔兰遗产故事抓住点滴机会慢慢讲出来,做足铺垫。更"难能可贵"的是,在乔纳森为把梅尔保释出狱花了4200美元后,梅尔马上还了钱。这真的是放长线钓大鱼。最令人毛骨悚然的,是梅尔在欺骗乔纳森的同时,还在以其他身份欺骗着别人,包括她的同居男友。这个人如果不是骗术大师,肯定是老戏骨,每场戏都惟妙惟肖、倾情表演,最终,她也不搞不清,哪个角色才是真正的自己了。


声明:本篇英文内容摘选自美国原版杂志《读者文摘》2020年6月刊(Reader's Digest: June 2020),仅供个人学习交流使用。微信公众号“E外刊”(ID: DONG_Talks)同步刊登,更多精彩,欢迎关注。
